In the Spanish language, from which the term originates, Cascara literally means 'husk' or 'shell.' Originally, Ethiopians brewed tea from dried coffee cherries before anyone thought of roasting the seeds inside the berries to create coffee beans. As coffee plantations...
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According to the widely accepted definition, specialty coffee refers to coffee that has received over 80 flavor/quality points on a scale of 0-100 in the scoring system developed by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA and SCAE). Only certified Q-graders, whose tasting expertise is honed to perfection and calibrated to meet SCA standards, can officially score coffees.
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Making good coffee does not necessarily require special equipment or barista skills. Here are a few tips we think are essential to ensure you get great tasting coffee at home! Take the tips you like and apply them without making coffee...
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First of all, the most important thing everyone should know about roasting coffee is that roasting does not increase the quality of the coffee. It's a fact that can't be overlooked or avoided. The quality of coffee and its potential comes from the coffee farms. The flavour profile and quality is influenced by the variety, soil...
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Aeropress SM-competition winner recipe
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